Can you say YES?

Being able to come out from behind yourself into the conversation and make it real is part of navigating conflict. Susan Scott, author of Fierce Conversations was on to something when she defined fierce conversations in this way. In conflict situations at work, this approach is truly a different way of being.  What you’re really thinking and want to say is often at odds with constructively building relationships and moving the ball down the field.  Usually, there’s translation involved (yes, you can deliver that message, just not that way).  Deciding to step in and engage in the conversation is the first step. We’ve all hung back, bitten our bottom lip and thought happy thoughts to metaphysically remove ourselves from what is unfolding in front of us. Navigating Conflict is about setting a course that enables you to act in the now as a way to get where you want to go. It all starts with saying YES and deciding to engage. 

Join us on March 17th at our Navigating Conflict workshop in Houston where we’ll explore how to take the next steps in navigating conflict in ways that ultimately make the work roads you travel smooth and easy.

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