

You might as well!

The start of a new year makes me excited about the possibilities and promise that 2024 holds.  As a Transformation VP at Reliant Energy, I remember Joel Staff, the CEO of Reliant Energy saying “the future is made up, so you might as well make up a good one.”  If you dare to take a moment to think about your future for 2024, at a bone deep level, what will come up for you?

When I was early in life, I would dream up a juicy cornucopia of resolutions and ideas. Now, I rely on  a one-page charter that I simply love for its simplicity and conciseness. The work that’s required to develop a charter is about creating the space for you to imagine something extraordinary, across a set of areas that matter. This journey starts with the question of What do I want? It may take a couple of iterations to answer this question for real for yourself in an honest and genuine way.

I invite you to start with this question and to notice what comes up for you. You’ll know when you hit pay dirt because the honesty and sincerity of the answers will resonate with you on the inside. 

Interested in creating a one-page charter for yourself for 2024? 

Join me for 3 one-hour sessions that I will host every Friday in January from 12:00pm-1:00pm CST starting Friday, January 12th and continuing at the same time on January 19th and January 26th. This free series is designed to help you crystallize what you dare to imagine for yourself in 2024. Use this link to register: In person attendance is highly recommended. We will record each session and make them available for registered participants to review.

Register today. Seating is limited.

I’m here and I’m ready to help you imagine the extraordinary for 2024.

Let’s go far, together.



Laura Max Rose

Laura Max Rose is the proud mom of her two beautiful daughters, Selma Baines (3.5) and Violet Mae (<1!) A writer among other things, she started “Look Ma’ No Hands” shortly after Violet was born upon realizing her hands might not be free to type blog posts for a while, but that she still had a whole lot to say. The episodes of “Look Ma, No Hands” are her candid dispatches from the frontlines of motherhood. She interviews experts in fields pertaining to motherhood, mothers themselves and all-around heartwarming and thought-provoking folk whom she hopes will make everyone’s journey easier, fuller and more joyful.

Laura lives in Houston, Texas with her Beshert (that’s Hebrew for “soulmate”), their two girls and beloved Dog, Hampton. Laura’s Husband, Ben Rose, is currently running for Harris County Attorney. You can learn more about him and support his campaign here.